Editing & Photo credits

Header image: Markus C. Hurek

Spotlight: The Rector’s Column: Peter Winandy

Feature: Heiko Damme

Relief operation for Ukraine organized by RWTH and Uniklinik gets into gear quickly: Heiko Damme, Ulyana Chernyaha-Royko

RWTH Professor Matthias Wessling admitted to the Leopoldina: Peter Winandy, Markus Scholz für die Leopoldina

The Education Fund invites you to take the Matching Challenge: Grafik: TU Dresden, Foto: POELLATH

Alumni in person: Markus C. Hurek

Innovations occur at the interfaces of diverse networks: Markus C. Hurek, FIR

From a scholarship to the national founder’s prize: Raina Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Knowledge sharing among alumni: Kautex Textron, Jochen Hild, Privat

Science and the economy: Grafik: CCE/RWTH

Circular Economy Made in Aachen: Grafik: CCE/RWTH, ANTS/CCE der RWTH Aachen University

OpenGeoResearch – an app for open questions in the geosciences: Florens Förster

Like Lego bricks: iBOSS GmbH

Construction on the Campus West Site Commences: IP/RWTH

NRW startup triumphs in USA final round: Slyworks Photography

Prestigious Grants: Peter Winandy

RWTH’s first partner: Generali Deutschland: GettyImages, Generali Group

Aachen Life: Peter Winandy

Demolition of bridge on Turmstrasse: Peter Winandy

How hydrogen is moving the region: IHK Aachen