Editing & Photo credits

Header: Werner Bartsch, Infineon Technologies AG

Spotlight: The Rector’s Column: Peter Winandy

Feature: Heike Lachmann

Making the Case for Scientific Communication: Heike Lachmann

Many Special Moments for Doctoral Jubilarians: Kurt Beyer

Mortarboards Flying High: Andreas Schmitter

proWTH Initiates New Scholarship Fund: AStA der RWTH Aachen, TechAachen e.V. der RWTH Aachen, Privat

Recognizing and Promoting Talents: Thilo Vogel, Private

Strong Women - Strong Connections: Femtec, Private

A Lasting Presence!: Harald Krömer, Medienhaus Aachen

RWTH's "Digital Heartbeat": Martin Braun

On the Path to Sustainability: Heike Lachmann, Martin Braun, Grafik: RWTH

Alumni in person: Werner Bartsch, Infineon Technologies AG

From Solid-State Electronics to the Fascination of Semiconductor Technology: Werner Bartsch, Infineon Technologies AG

"Computer Science Is in My DNA.": Viega

Science and Business: WLZ, STeinhard

Strengthening Green and Sustainable Production: WLZ, STeinhard

Cultures of Research: Phillip H. Roth

RWTH Team Involved in Mapping Human Myocardial Infarction: Grafik: Kuppe, C., Ramirez Flores, R.O., Li, Z., et al., A spatial multi-omics map of human myocardial infarction

Energy-Efficient Paper Recycling: CEPI

Supporting Startups With Expertise and Infrastructure: RWTH Innovation

An Exceptional Opportunity for Companies and Students: Martin Braun

423 Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships: Stefan Hense

Bringing People Together Through Science: UGM

Öcher Leben: IHK Aachen

Hear, hear!: IHK Aachen

A Woman On a Quest to Improve The City: Paul Roissant, Stadt Aachen