Data Appendix

of the second Sustainability Report of RWTH Aachen University

The appendix includes quantitative data from university operations from 2018–2022. The data listed in the appendix to the first sustainability report (2016–2020) is thus updated. The figures do not include the independent public operations of Uniklinik RWTH Aachen.

About this data

RWTH's energy data management is currently being expanded and further measures are being taken to record and process our energy data more systematically in the future. The aim is to obtain more reliable and valid data for RWTH, particularly with regard to energy consumption. In addition, RWTH will in future report comprehensively in the context of the 'Klimaneutrale Landesverwaltung NRW (KNLV)'/ ,Climate Neutral State Administration NRW' initiative using the balancing tool provided by the Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW (LANUV)/ ,State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW'.

As some of the data published to date has been calculated on the basis of estimated values at relevant points and is subject to a number of conditions, we have decided not to publish the data again until the systematic collection and processing of the energy data has been completed in order to ensure consistency with future information and to avoid any misunderstandings when comparing the values.
In particular, these changes affect the sections "Operation - Energy", "Operation - Water" and "Operation - Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG-E)". Brief explanations of the content can be found at these points in the appendix.

The general data on the university can still be viewed. In the remaining sections, explanatory notes on the respective data have been added where necessary to improve comprehensibility.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us!

Staff Unit: Sustainability and University Governance
RWTH Aachen University
Phone: +49 241 80-99213