Supporting Continuous, Sustainable Development
RWTH Aachen University is well on its way. A lot has happened since we published our first Sustainability Report. We are making good progress in embedding sustainability in all of the University’s underlying strategies. This is reflected, among other things, in our adoption of the jointly developed Sustainability Roadmap, including targets, indicators, and measures for RWTH. We have an active culture of participation and engagement and cultivate collaboration on sustainability issues. A large number of people who learn, teach, research, and work at RWTH are committed to this endeavor. The goal is clear: A more sustainable RWTH.
Learn more about current developments in the area of governance for sustainable development at RWTH in this chapter. Among other things, you will gain insight into our University members’ spirit of collaboration, participation, and engagement. Other exciting topics: Equal opportunities and internationalization in the context of sustainability. You can also see how RWTH communicates on sustainability topics and how it uses various formats to bring transformative ideas and technologies from the lab to society.
An overview of the basic structures of sustainability governance at the University can be found in RWTH’s first Sustainability Report.

Sustainability at RWTH
Where Do We Stand?
Sustainability is firmly embedded in all our strategies and structures at RWTH. Professor Kathrin Greiff, Professor Aaron Praktiknjo, and Professor Niklas von der Aßen have been named Rector’s Delegates to guide and support the University on its path toward sustainability in the areas of research, teaching and learning, and operations. So, where do we stand on sustainability at RWTH? Read on for the Rector’s Delegates’ answer.
At a Glance
A lot has happened in terms of sustainability at RWTH since we published our first Sustainability Report at the beginning of 2022. This “handprint” shows a selection of some of the activities that RWTH can be proud of.
Our Path Toward a Sustainable Future
Developments in the Area of Governance
Making RWTH Aachen University more sustainable is an ongoing process. With the appointment of three Rector’s Delegates and the renaming of the University Council and Fundamental Issues Staff Unit to the Sustainability and University Governance Staff Unit, important steps were taken in 2021 towards embedding the topic of sustainability in the University’s strategies and structures. Launching the sustainability roadmap process also marked a special step in realizing our ambitions. Since the beginning of 2022, sustainability goals, indicators, and measures to achieve them have been developed together with various University members.
The first meetings of the GreenTeams in the spheres of teaching and learning, research, and campus operations took place in 2021 and have been held every semester since then. However, sustainability is also practiced in many other formats, collaborations, and contexts at RWTH. The timeline shows a selection of events and milestones in the area of Governance since the last report.
Good to Know! RWTH is Guided by a Sustainability Mission Statement.
The sustainability efforts at RWTH Aachen University are based on the Sustainability Mission Statement adopted in July 2021. In our mission statement, we have laid out our understanding of sustainability and formulated our joint commitment to creating a sustainable campus. As an orientation framework, it also addresses aspects of governance.
Participation and Networking
Achieving More Through Collaboration
Sharing experiences and knowledge are important components for successful, sustainable development. RWTH is one of the largest universities in Germany, with around 10,000 employees (full-time equivalent) and around 47,000 students in 9 faculties. This may be one of the reasons for the abundance of perspectives and ideas at RWTH. Various discussion and networking formats have been established at RWTH to make the best possible use of this knowledge and provide as much space as possible for a diverse set of voices and mutual learning. Harnessing the collective intelligence of networks and communities to boost sustainable development – both within the University and with external partners – is also very important.
Sustainable development can only be achieved if people are dedicated to its advancement. Community members must have opportunities to participate and contribute to sustainability processes on campus to feel truly engaged and empowered. We have created a wide range of opportunities and formats for this at RWTH. Learn more about opportunities to get involved at RWTH here.
RWTH Aachen University is well-connected in the field of sustainability and is active in various initiatives and networks. These include the Sustainability Initiative of the Universities in NRW – HumboldtN – and the German Society for Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions – DG HochN for short. RWTH is also well-connected internationally, for example through the IDEA League. Continuous knowledge sharing with other universities nationally and internationally and other stakeholders is particularly important for RWTH’s journey toward sustainable development. Learn more about RWTH's involvement in sustainability-related collaborations and networks here.
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
An Important Social Sustainability Concern
Gender equality, equal opportunities, and the appreciation of diversity are fundamental principles of the university culture at RWTH – in research, teaching, studies, careers, and university management. Read here how RWTH has progressed in promoting equal opportunity in recent years.
Taking a Quick Look at Gender-Neutral Language
The University’s gender and diversity-oriented approach is also reflected in the way RWTH staff communicates – in spoken language or written text. After all, how we use language significantly affects our learning and working environment on campus. That is why the Inclusion, Gender, and Diversity Management (IGaD) Staff Unit also offers training and services on gender-inclusive language. A video created jointly by the Equal Opportunities Office and the Media for Teaching service unit, is a great example of these efforts. The short film clearly and effectively explains various options for using gender-inclusive language in line with RWTH’s principles.
Sustainability and Internationalization
RWTH in the Global Context
As a member of a global scientific community, RWTH considers sustainability and internationalization to be inextricably linked. To help solve global challenges in a way that is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we must not only drive collaboration between different disciplines and sectors but act, above all, within the framework of international partnership. Learn more about the cross-cutting task of internationalization here.

In Conversation – Mobility and Scientific Exchange
Research and scientific exchange are closely linked, especially in an international context. Prof. Klaus Reicherter heads the Teaching and Research Unit of Neotectonics and Georisks and is the Rector’s Delegate for collaboration with India. We spoke to him about knowledge exchange and academic mobility.

The Strategic Partnership With the University of Alberta
The topics of ecological, economic, and social sustainability play a crucial role in RWTH’s strategic partnership with the University of Alberta in Canada. Sustainability is reflected in a series of joint activities and it will be the focus of the Canadian-German partnership in the future.

Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS)
The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) is a collaborative initiative between leading academic institutions in India and Germany which is engaged in research, education, and the development of practical solutions for sustainable development. With its focus on land use, energy, water, and waste management, the IGCS serves as a platform for transdisciplinary knowledge exchange and innovative thinking.
Communication and Knowledge Transfer
Communicating, Sharing Knowledge, Being a Role Model.
At RWTH, sustainability is inextricably linked to the people who learn, teach, research, and work here. We want to involve all campus community members equally as we work toward a more sustainable RWTH. It is vital that we communicate and offer information and resources on the subject of sustainability to both our University members and the broader public. Learn more about our sustainability communication efforts below – both within the University itself and from RWTH to society.
Learn more about resources and offers for University members here.
From the University Into Society
Department 3.0 – Press and Communications uses a wide range of news media, science reporting, and outreach events to address and inform citizens and engage with stakeholders from research and academia. These offers include magazines and educational formats as well as topic-specific events. Learn more about the Science Night, the Citizens’ Forum, and others here.
Good to Know! The Sustainability Strategy.
A process to develop and adopt a Sustainability Strategy and associated roadmap by engaging all members of the University community has been underway at RWTH since the beginning of 2022. The Strategy includes targets, indicators, and specific measures to realize the vision of a climate-neutral and more sustainable RWTH by 2030.

Interactive Sustainability Map
At RWTH, many of our members are already committed to shaping the University in a sustainable way – whether in research, teaching and learning, operations, or administrative structures. The interactive online sustainability map makes it easy to explore the various activities and features across the University. Find out more here.
Sustainability in Comparison
THE Impact Ranking
In 2023, RWTH participated in the THE Impact Rankings for the first time, achieving excellent results. The Times Higher Education magazine, THE for short, has published these rankings since 2019. For the 2023 ranking, 1,591 universities were evaluated based on the 17 sustainable development goals outlined by the United Nations. Read here how RWTH did.