Our Definition of Diversity
RWTH Aachen University shows a high degree of appreciation for diversity among university members. As an educational organization with a high role model function, we see it as our responsibility to respond to changing social conditions. We take on the resulting challenges of higher education policy by consciously addressing or integrating all university groups in their diversity into processes and developing forward-looking strategies for establishing a lively, open and equal organizational culture.
At RWTH, we have therefore decided for a broad and comprehensive understanding (cf. Figure 1) of diversity (because of a strong underrepresentation of women at a technical university with study programs, which are traditionally male-dominated, RWTH consciously decided in the early 2000s, to give greater attention to measures concerning the implementation of gender equality. The majority of these measures grew out of the gender equality policy and foot on corresponding legal requirements. Generally, we understand gender equality as one diversity category. However, since gender runs through all diversity categories, we at RWTH see a particular need for development here and generally speak of gender and diversity): For us, diversity means dealing with the diversity of all students and employees in an open and appreciative manner. We consciously take up different experiences, life situations and perspectives, integrate them into our actions and promote a cooperation in which the diversity of all university members is perceived as an opportunity and enrichment − for the individuals as well as for the institution as such. Therefore, we aligned our diversity management accordingly in a holistic manner.
RWTH creates framework conditions for a university culture characterized by mutual trust and respect, in which all people feel welcome and can freely develop and unfold their individual talents. Unfair personal behaviors and discriminations have no place in our everyday university life. At RWTH, we have developed a clear awareness of the existence of structural inequalities and barriers which we need to consistently identify and dismantle. Together, we look for and find solutions geared at individual potentials, but simultaneously help to shape structures in a way that provides sustainable opportunities. Considering this, we at RWTH have reflected on the diversity dimensions (among others: sexual identity or orientation, age, ethnicity and nationality) mentioned in the AGG and developed them further for RWTH in terms of both terminology and content (cf. Figure 1). This makes clear that we primarily pursue a structural approach, i.e. we see issues of equity like the opening up of the university as overarching tasks. However, the above-mentioned diversity dimensions are always taken into account.
In this way, we are once again highlighting our central concern, which reflects in the new Diversity-Strategy (2022−2027): the creation of equal study and working conditions.

Aims and Fields of Action
Although the new Diversity-Strategy foots in part on the previous internal concept (2013−2018), it primarily is a consistent progression: The original separative approach which focused primarily on individual diversity dimensions and thus on the implementation of measures for specific target groups, was deliberately abandoned several years ago. Now a multidimensional approach aimed at changing structures, clarifies possible overlaps or interactions, but without losing sight of the individual dimensions and their possible effects.
The focus remains on diverse people with their individual abilities and potentials; as with the first internal diversity concept, a special emphasis lays on non-discriminatory access and equal participation in everyday university life.
The central requirements for this are the creation of a flexible and inclusive working and study environment as well as the realization of comprehensive equal opportunities in research and teaching. This is implemented in the following fields of action (cf. Figure 2):
Opening of the University
The aim is to provide an access to studies, trainings and careers at RWTH, which roots on equal opportunities and is independent of individual requirements (see Field of Action 1: Opening of the University).
Continuation of the Cultural Change
The aim is to value individual life situations or backgrounds as the basis for equal participation in study, training, occupation and career paths (see Field of Action 2: Continuation of the Cultural Change).
Fostering the Individual Gender- and Diversity-Competences
The aim is to encourage and strengthen all members of the university to contribute to a respectful, unprejudiced working environment and to enable them to oppose discrimination resolutely (see Field of Action 3: Fostering the Individual Gender- and Diversity-Competences).
Design of Life-Phase Oriented Personnel Policy
The aim is to take into account individual life plans and qualification phases as well as the resulting needs of employees (see Field of Action 4: Design of Life-Phase Oriented Personnel Policy).