

RWTH Aachen University is an Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology. As a modern, internationally reputable higher education and research institution, RWTH promotes the convergence of knowledge, methods, and insights from all disciplines and the associated interdisciplinary research into sustainable solutions to global challenges. We at RWTH seek to foster the creation of new knowledge and its transfer into teaching and application as a cornerstone of our strategy. Powerful intra-university, national, and international scientific networks are an essential basis for this. These networks are comprised of the many individuals who research, work, teach, study at, and collaborate with, the University.

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Highlights aktueller, nachhaltiger Forschung zeigt der Film „Lernen. Forschen. Machen. Die Show.“ aus Anlass des Jubiläums 150 Jahre RWTH Aachen. SharyReeves und Ralph Caspers entdecken autonom fahrende Autos, die Raffinerie der Zukunft und neue Produktionsformen.

Teaching and Learning

Students at RWTH benefit from the competence-, research- and application- oriented education in the over 180 degree programs on offer. At present, 47,000 students from over 135 different countries are enrolled here. The University offers its students the flexibility to tailor their studies based on the close fusion of teaching with top-level research projects and a broad spectrum of virtual teaching and learning concepts. Opportunities for transferring knowledge and real-world engagement foster social and sustainable commitment as well as an entrepreneurial culture. This gives graduates the chance to enjoy an excellent education, while also developing their cross-disciplinary skills and adopting an interdisciplinary approach to finding solutions.

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Die RWTH verleiht für besondere Lehrformate und innovative Lehrende einen jährlichen Preis. Professor Sven Klinkel hat unter anderem ein besonderes digitales Lehrumfeld geschaffen.


RWTH’s research strength is particularly demonstrated by the highly competitive funding it has received since 2006 as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The University is currently receiving funding for its institutional strategy as a University of Excellence and for three Clusters of Excellence: the Internet of Production, the Fuel Science Center, and Matter & Light for Quantum Computing (a collaboration with the University of Cologne and the University of Bonn). In addition to funding a large number of outstanding research activities and collaborative projects, the prestigious Excellence Strategy program also contributes to RWTH’s significant international reputation. The nine faculties and eight interdisciplinary profile areas form a foundation for strong research at the University. Thanks to these agile structures, RWTH can respond to acute challenges at short notice and seize upon new ideas from society, politics, and science and develop them further.

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Ihre Stärke im Bereich der Forschung zu Künstlicher Intelligenz hat die RWTH Aachen im KI-Center gebündelt. Der Film zeigt unsere Zukunft mit KI.

Education and Further Training

RWTH is the largest employer and provider of vocational training in the Aachen region. The University supports lifelong learning with a wide range of staff development opportunities and by teaching socially relevant future competencies according to the highest teaching quality standards. The RWTH Center for Young Academics is a central point of contact and information for early-career researchers. It combines initiatives for academic and non-academic career development. RWTH International Academy is the University’s official further training academy and is intended to integrate academic and professional education. A subsidiary of the Academy, RWTH Business School complements these offerings. RWTH’s culture of collaboration is characterized by diversity, an international spirit, a family-friendly approach, and a strong health orientation. These cross-cutting themes are always integrated into the educational and further training programs.