Mental Health at RWTH
The podcast “PsyTalk” offers knowledge and practical tips for everyday student life
“PsyTalk RWTH” is the name of a new service offered by the Psychological Counseling Service of the Student Advice Centre, which has been operating since March 2023. Since then, a new episode has been published every month, in which a topic from the broad field of “Study and Psyche” is examined in more detail in an interview with experts. Topics that are often part of individual counseling are addressed, for example procrastination, stress, depression, exam nerves, sleep, and much more.
Our goal is to impart knowledge, but we also wish to convey practical tips for everyday student life. We invite any and all students who are curious and who have a basic interest in psychological topics to listen to it. The most important goal – as with all formats of psychological counseling – is to promote students' skills in the area of mental health. The only difference is that we are doing it in the form of a podcast, meaning that the counseling can be flexible to use, available for the long term, and we can present it in an entertaining way.
The podcast is available online at PsyTalk RWTH and on all common podcast platforms.
– Author: Kerstin Platt
What Does the RWTH Health Management Team Do?
University Health Management (UGM) at RWTH aims to sustainably strengthen its employees’ and students’ physical and mental health competence. The team creates preventive health structures for an attractive and supportive healthy working, studying, and living environment for all members at RWTH.
The UGM Team implements various initiatives in addition to the diverse offerings of the RWTH health representatives, such as the psychosocial risk assessment, student surveys, health-oriented continuing education, or university-wide Health Days. The UGM Team also creates and implements innovative concepts, which often include organizational development schemes, such as the Health Ambassador Program in the Central University Administration.

At a Glance: UGM at RWTH
Staff Health Management (BGM) was initiated in 2016 and Student Health Management (SGM) in 2019.
Project partner: Techniker Krankenkasse
Where: Part of Department 12.0 – Staff Development and Talent Management
Services: health-oriented continuing education offerings and talks, university-wide Health Days, health surveys, committee work, and awareness campaigns on taboo topics.
UGM Contact: Julia Reißen, SGM Contact: Beate Wassenberg-Schüren
Webpage: www.rwth-aachen.de/gesundheitsportal
– Authors: Beate Wassenberg-Schüren, Alan Hansen