Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner, winner of the 2023 Aachen Engineering Award.
Heike Lachmann

“Chemistry Is Not the Problem – but the Solution.”

Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner Receives the 2023 Aachen Engineering Award

The “Chemist Smurf” from the Schleich toy brand is 5.5 centimeters in height. The blue figure with the white coat and test tube in hand was Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner's first important project at the chemical giant BASF. On Saturday evening, she was awarded the 2023 Engineering Award in the Coronation Chamber of Aachen City Hall.


Recognized for Her Consistent Pursuit of Innovations

Even 26 years ago, the common theme that was to run through Maas-Brunner's entire professional life became apparent: “Chemistry,” she says, “is not the problem, but the solution.” For the Smurf, who has since achieved some level of notoriety, the assignment was to develop a non-hazardous plasticizer that could be used in children's rooms. The project succeeded, and the rest is history. Today, Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner is a member of BASF's Board of Executive Directors as Chief Technology Officer. She has now been honored for her consistent efforts to find solutions to climate change and create a more sustainable society through innovations. The Aachen Engineering Award is presented by RWTH Aachen University and the City of Aachen in cooperation with the Association of German Engineers (VDI).


Great Expertise, Perseverance, and an Unpretentious Manner

Laudator Dr. Markus Steilemann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Covestro AG, was only too happy to recall his days spent studying with the award winner at RWTH Aachen University. Even then, “you, dear Melanie, had an eye for the technical potential of chemical research.”  This will to act, the will to turn projects into reality, distinguished Maas-Brunner then as it does today.  Knowing that without chemistry, no wind turbine would turn and no electric car would purr,

“you engage people with your great expertise, your perseverance, and your unpretentious manner, and in this way, you move your company forward, a company on which so much depends. You are absolutely the right person to receive the 9th Aachen Engineering Award.”

Solutions Must be Found Jointly by Different Disciplines

Having been praised so extensively, the RWTH alumna had to first search for the right words.  Dr. Maas-Brunner said that standing in a row with such renowned people, including the 2016 award winner, astronaut Thomas Reiter, really left her speechless. She took the opportunity to make it clear that “I'm standing here because I get to work with a lot of great people.” That being so, she said, it has long since ceased to be enough just to be a chemist because solutions must be found jointly and on an interdisciplinary basis. A major concern for her is the next generation of chemists, who, as in so many other fields, are in short supply.  This was one of the reasons why she had invited her old Aachen chemistry teacher, Dr. Gerd Hachen, to the award ceremony. According to Maas-Brunner, it all starts at school, and it's up to the teachers to inspire the students.


A Role Model for Students

It's so much easier when you have such great role models: “You, Dr. Maas-Brunner, are a great role model for our students,” said RWTH Rector Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, who also pointed out how important large companies like BASF are for universities. The importance of this point was also made clear by VDI President Prof. Lutz Eckstein: “Instilling an appetite for innovative thinking in young people is our central concern.”

The award winner (3rd from right) and her congratulators: (from left to right) RWTH Rector Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, laudator Dr. Markus Steilemann, NRW Science Minister Ina Brandes, Lord Mayor Sibylle Keupen and Professor Lutz Eckstein, VDI President.
Heike Lachmann

– Author: Niels Knippertz