RWTH’s Strategic Partnership
With the University of Alberta
The strategic partnership between RWTH and the University of Alberta in Canada was forged in 2017 and it has since been characterized by particularly close collaboration across all levels of both institutions. The topic of sustainability was defined as one of the priority areas of the partnership, as this is of particular strategic interest to both universities. All three dimensions of sustainability – ecology, economy, and social issues – are to be explored, and joint projects are to drive and advance the activities.

Numerous scholars and students from both institutions work on sustainability topics and explore them in depth during research stays of several months in Edmonton and Aachen, funded by both universities. Particularly noteworthy is the collaboration between the University of Alberta and the two RWTH Clusters of Excellence: The Fuel Science Center in the field of Future Energy Systems and the Internet of Production cluster in the field of Equal Opportunities. Other research collaborations with an explicit focus on sustainability have also been established in the disciplines of psychology and chemical engineering.
Joint teaching on sustainability topics and knowledge transfer between the respective administrative offices and students are also specifically supported. RWTH’s Students’ Committee (AStA) and its Canadian counterpart aim to accelerate joint sustainability projects.
In the future, the partners intend to unite and coordinate their various approaches and building blocks even more so that the topic of sustainability will be a central element of all joint activities within the strategic partnership wherever possible.
Further Information:
Strategic Partnership between RWTH and the University of Alberta
Focused SDGs:
SDG 5 – Gender Equality
SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
Organization unit:
Department 2.0 – International Office
Division 2.4. International Strategy