Energy Data Management System for RWTH Aachen University
Achieving Climate Neutrality With the Help of Monitoring
The Energy Data Management System (EDMS) has been in preparation since the end of 2021. As a digital platform, it will consolidate and display data. The system should not only be used to collect data, but should also offer all members of the University the opportunity to obtain information. The aims of introducing the EDMS therefore include transparency and user-friendly operation. It will be used for reporting as well as for data preparation and presentation in specific visual dashboards. The system is designed to help reduce costs by optimizing energy purchasing and consumption. At the same time, measures can be prioritized, planned and monitored in a targeted manner, with the aim of reducing consumption.
The EDMS can be used in a wide range of applications. These include energy purchasing and emissions trading as well as energy generation and budget planning for refurbishment and operation. Various “use cases” are compiled on RWTH’s Facility Management webpages.
On the Path to Implementation
The introduction of the EDMS at RWTH is a complex process. First of all, the relevant stakeholders had to be identified and their requirements for the system had to be jointly defined in workshops and interviews. Institutes, higher education institutions and the central university administration are invited to contribute their expertise in the respective subject area. The process is supported by two experienced consulting firms.
A first major round of information meetings with all stakeholders has already been completed. Pilot projects for connecting meters, building controllers and photovoltaic systems are currently underway. These are challenging tasks that involve a total of around 1,700 energy meters and over 200 buildings, some of which are highly technical, all across the University. There are also activities relating to the exchange of energy industry data and the migration of inventory data to SQL databases.
A modular software concept is planned for the EDMS. In an agile approach, the individual user groups are offered “small solutions” tailored specifically to them. The feedback is then used as a basis for further development and subsequent integration into an overall system. An example already exists for the presentation of energy-relevant data on photovoltaic systems at RWTH, which can be found here. Time series from meters that have already been connected can be called up via an API interface. Access to this is available on request from Department 10.
Further information:
Focused SDGs:
SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 13 – Climate action
Organization unit:
Facility Management, Department 10.0