The BauGrünKit

Development and Testing of a Self-Assembly Kit for Jointly Placing Greenery on University Buildings

RWTH’s building stock contributes significantly to the heat island effect in the various campus areas and the city of Aachen. Buildings and surrounding open spaces also offer little habitat for animals and plants. This often results in an unappealing image, and there are hardly any opportunities for students and employees to identify with their places of learning or work.

The picture shows two kneeling people planting textile plant bags from the BauGrünKit. Two people are standing behind them. One person is standing in the background holding a hose.
Planting the BauGrünKit
Dr. Axel Timpe
The picture shows a kneeling person planting textile plant bags from the BauGrünKit.
BauGrünKit with textile plant bags
Marina Kremer (ITA)
The picture shows three people placing the upper part of the BauGrünKit on the lower part. Both parts consist of a rectangular metal frame with textile plant pockets suspended between them.
Setup of the BauGrünKit
Christian Mirow

Twelve students from the Faculty of Architecture are proposing an approach to change this through their prototype for the so-called BauGrünKit, which provides RWTH staff and students with a way of placing greenery onto buildings on their own initiative.

The kit can be assembled independently from commercially available metal construction profiles and fitted with textile plant pockets for a wide variety of planting options. It can be installed both on ground surfaces and on facades and can be watered manually with a watering can or with an automatic drip irrigation system. Rainwater from roof runoff can be used for the water supply if the building situation permits this.

Special features and advantages of the BauGrünKit

The prototype was implemented on the roof terrace of the Language Center at RWTH Aachen University. It serves to make the employees’ break room nicer, and it is maintained and watered by them. A monitoring program for the microclimatic effects is currently being prepared. Assembly and operating instructions written by the students are available so that the kit can be used at other locations.

Due to its small size and DIY approach, the BauGrünKit primarily supports urban biodiversity as a co-productive nature conservation measure. It provides habitat and food for various animal and plant species. The kit can be adapted to specific species and locations through plant selection. The DIY idea can also be used as a team-building measure through joint installation and maintenance of the greenery by employees.

The development and testing of the BauGrünKit was funded in 2022 as part of the first funding round of the RWTH Aachen University Sustainability Fund. The students of the Faculty of Architecture also awarded the BauGrünKit elective module first prize in the ArchiCup 2023, the Architecture Student Council’s teaching award.