Three Questions for...
AStA Officer Florian Winkler
Florian Winkler was the Sustainability and Student Engagement Officer at the General Student Committee (AStA) of RWTH Aachen University until 2023. We asked him a few questions about teaching and learning.
What do you associate with sustainability in teaching and learning (at RWTH)?
Florian Winkler: In general, I associate sustainability in teaching and learning with imparting subject-specific knowledge with a view to socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable aspects. In my opinion, this should be integrated into every degree program. Sustainability must not be a bonus but must rather become a basic element of what we do. Only through this change of principle will it be possible to convey the extraordinary importance and urgency of this topic to all our students. RWTH has already taken good initial steps in this area – e.g., by implementing corresponding modules of the “Leonardo” project. Hopefully, the future will have further positive results and RWTH will become a role model for sustainable teaching and learning in Germany.

In your opinion, what has changed in terms of sustainability at RWTH since 2021?
Florian Winkler: RWTH has taken a huge step in the right direction by creating the Sustainability and University Governance Staff Unit. The establishment of a sustainability fund and the founding of the three Green Teams also shows the University’s efforts to make serious changes and work on itself. This is a lot of work that must be completed in a short amount of time. From my point of view, it’s great to see that the University is taking this issue seriously and trying to have a positive impact on students and, therefore, also on society.
If you had to name one, which project should the University initiate and/or drive forward?
Florian Winkler: The University could start placing greenery on non-listed buildings. Wall greenery would also enhance corridors within University buildings and it would improve air quality at the same time. In the area of social sustainability, I think it is essential to create places where students can exchange ideas. For example, we could evaluate whether additional outdoor fitness equipment could be installed on campus. This would promote both the fitness and mental health of students and thus help them learn more effectively.
Thank you for answering our questions!